In This Economy?!

It costs HOW MUCH to raise a kid in Canada?!?

Episode Summary

If it feels like your kids are bleeding you dry, there's evidence that it's actually true. A new story in the Walrus suggests the average amount to raise 2 kids until they're 17 is $293,000, even more if the kids attend post-secondary. Host Kris McCusker is speaking with the writer of the piece in the Walrus, Chantal Braganza.

Episode Notes

If it feels like your kids are bleeding you dry, there's evidence that it's actually true.  

A new story in the Walrus suggests the average amount to raise 2 kids until they're 17 is $293,000, even more if the kids attend post-secondary.  

Host Kris McCusker is speaking with the writer of the piece in the Walrus, Chantal Braganza.